Posts tagged How To
How to Stand Out in a Saturated Industry

There are so many myths that are easy to get wrapped up in for creative entrepreneurs - that our industry is too saturated which is why we aren't booking any clients, that we aren't interesting enough to share parts of our personality that will connect with our dream audience, and that it's next to impossible to stand out in such a competitive market. But the problem with these ideas is that they can be paralyzing - yes, there are a ton of creative entrepreneurs out there and yes, it's very competitive, but focusing on the negative, scary parts of our creative industries can make us feel so discouraged that we stop trying at all…

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How to Find Your Photography Style

One of the hardest parts about just starting out with photography is to try and find your unique style. With so many variations out there it can be overwhelming to know where to begin; journalistic? Dark and moody? Fully staged scene? Black and white? Maybe I'm overwhelming you right now...

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