Startup Distillery | Personal Branding Headshots

It was a cozy, surprisingly warm winter day on the north side of Chicago when I got to meet Diane for her personal branding headshots. As the founder of Startup Distillery, a local Chicago consulting company, Diane works with start ups to help them achieve their goals and pursue their passions - so obviously, we got along quite well! It was wonderful to spend the afternoon with Diane to capture headshots and branding collateral for her to use on her social channels to bring a face to the name of Startup Distillery.

Chicago consultant Diane sits in brown turtleneck sweater on front porch of home
Woman sits at computer in bedroom, holding glasses and wearing colorful blue turtleneck
Woman sits on staircase with laptop on knees while wearing a blue blazer
Chicago consultant sits on gray chair while wearing green turtleneck and blue jeans
Chicago start up consultant holds laptop in gray sunroom