Best Portraits & Experiences of 2016

It's nearly the new year and that means it's time to reflect back on what worked this year, what filled my heart with love, and what I want to change next year! A lot of business owners and creatives do this, and I'm going to be doing mine a little bit different - yes, I'm going to show some of my favorite photos from 2016 (because I am a photographer, I can't help it), but I'm also going to talk about some of my favorite experiences, things that I've done this year that make my heart ache with love, and goals for myself and my business in 2017.

Experiences in 2016

Some of my favorite experiences from the year has been to wholeheartedly embrace the things that make me happy and to figure out what I want to surround myself with in 2017. I truly believe that the best way for me to be as creative and passionate as possible is to incorporate the aspects of business and photography that I love as much as possible. These simple joys from 2016 are helping guide my choices for next year so that I feel just as happy, fulfilled, and am pushing myself to better every day.

This year I...

  1. Loved working with seniors and couples, which is what I'm going to be focusing on more in the new year. I loved getting to know my seniors, be able to relate to them because of our closeness in age and what we like, and be able to goof around and give them a fun, relaxed photo experience. I loved getting to capture the authentic, romantic emotions from my couples as they start their journey together, take them on little adventures that they can look back on and remember for years to come.
  2. Educated myself on what makes me happy in my business, and what I want to do more of. I learned that I love the process of getting to know my clients before the session, and providing products that are archival, quality, and natural for clients to look back on for years to come, because there's nothing like seeing your own photographs printed out for you to hold. 
  3. Educated myself in general. I learned through classes, online, and various mentors new ways to better serve my clients and make women feel empowered through my art. 
  4. Connected with other women who share my same goals. I connected with other creatives and become more involved with communities that foster the same self love and untethered support that I strive to provide my clients. These communities reminded me when I needed it to show myself love so that I can be a better photographer, sister, daughter, girlfriend, and person in general.

Now for my favorites photos from this year! I loved working with all these incredible clients, and I can't wait to meet some new faces in 2017. :)

Best Photos of 2016

Girl looking up at camera wearing white lace
Girl standing in Lincoln Park Zoo
Millenium park senior portrait
Lincoln park portrait of senior from suburbs
Indiana dunes romantic couple engagement photos
County Line Orchard engagement photos
Engagement photos at County Line Orchard
Romantic County Line Orchard engagement photos