Rehearsal Dinner Second Shooting | Brand Support for Golden Hours

Absolutely LOVED getting to photograph the rehearsal dinner for Abby and Charles for Golden Hours at Gibson’s Italia in River North! The space was incredible, the couple was literally so kind, and the speeches really forced me to keep my tears in check. Such a lovely group of friends and family coming together to celebrate these two. Congrats to Abby and Charles, and thank you to Dana from Golden Hours for trusting me to support your brand!

Chicago couple smiles at their wedding rehearsal dinner at Gibson's Italia restaurant.
Bottles of wine line wooden racks in the design of an X.
An old fashioned bar at Gibson's Italia in Chicago. Bottles of assorted liquor line the dark wood and glass bar.
An older woman in a floral blue long sleeve dress greets her grandson at his rehearsal dinner. She smiles brightly and leans in for a hug.
An older woman with gray hair embraces a young bride at her rehearsal dinner. They stand in a dark wood and glass adorned room at Gibson's Italia in Chicago.
Glassware and red roses adorn this white tableclothed table. Wine lines racks in the background and each spot at the table has a handwritten name card.
A group of friends stand together and smile at a wedding rehearsal dinner at Gibson's Italia in Chicago.
Two young men stand at a dark wood bar with their cocktails and smile.
A group of friends sit at a table with the bride and groom at their rehearsal dinner. They all raise glasses of champagne for a toast, and only the bride smiles at the viewer.